Louisiana Bill Severely Restricts Hunting Ammunition Sales

A bill in Louisiana would require sportsmen to show the serial number on their firearms before purchasing ammunition.

House Bill 8, introduced by Representative Juan LaFonta (D- New Orleans), requires any person selling ammunition to verify that the serial number of the gun for which the ammunition will be used has not been altered or destroyed. Only antique and war relic firearms would be exempt from this new requirement if they are rendered inoperable or if ammunition for these firearms is not available in the U.S. and not otherwise readily available through other means.

Essentially, this bill would require sportsmen to take their guns with them to their local gun shop anytime they needed to purchase ammunition. While there, the sales clerk would be required to check the gun’s serial number to make sure it wasn’t altered in any way before selling any ammunition. Sportsmen would have to go through this process every time they want to purchase ammunition. Those wanting to buy ammunition for more than one gun at a time would have to carry every with them to the store to be examined by the sales clerk.

“This bill is another example of legislation aimed at eliminating gun ownership by creating unnecessary, burdensome restrictions on a person’s ability to use a firearm,” said Jeremy Rine, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance associate director of state services. “HB 8 is nothing more than a solution in search of a problem.”

Take Action! Louisiana sportsmen should contact their state representatives and ask them to oppose House Bill 8. Tell them the bill is impracticable, unnecessary, and only serves to restrict law abiding gun owners. To find your state representative’s contact information, please visit the USSA Legislative Action Center at www.ussportsmen.org/LAC.