Humane Society Misses the Plate

With the recent release of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s new “Food Plate” to guide Americans with dietary choices, the Humane Society of the US (HSUS) was quick to release its own twisted animal-welfare version. The HSUS’ Humane Healthy Plate version notes that the recommended protein guideline might be confused as “meat,” and then the group takes a direct stab at agriculture with “from the nearly 10 billion animals raised for food in the United States, many of them in crowded, inhumane conditions.”

For the real facts, visit the USDA’s website ( and you’ll find numerous types of meat (equals protein) listed as those recommended for consumption on the “choose my plate” program.

Interestingly, HSUS also overlooked the USDA’s recommendation for healthy American diners to eat “venison.” It’s right in there beside bison and rabbits – other abundant and hunted species by sportsmen and sportswomen from coast to coast.