Dog Does Math

Finley Point, MT – Quick: What’s the square root of 64 minus the square root of 16 plus 2?

Don’t worry about whether you’re smarter than a fifth-grader. If it takes you longer to figure it out than it does to bark six times, we know a DOG that may be smarter than you.

That’s right, a dog.

Meet Beau, a 12-year-old black Labrador retriever and part-time mathematician.

Beau can do it all: Sit. Roll over. Add. Subtract. Multiply. Divide.

We swear we’re not making this up. He can even do algebra.

“If 3X equals 9, what does X equal?” Dave Madsen asks Beau.

“Arf arf arf,” Beau replies.

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VIDEO: Beau the Wonder Dog