Safety First and Always

By Glen Wunderlich

Firearms safety is no accident.  If you are going to educate youngsters on gun
safety, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (
lists 10 rules for safe gun handling and there’s no better time to brush up before
we begin our practice sessions in preparation for the upcoming hunting seasons.

1. Always Keep The Muzzle Pointed In
A Safe Direction
.  Never point your
gun at anything you do not intend to shoot.
That’s as basic as it gets and the advice applies to “unloaded”
guns.  Using a telescopic firearms sight
to locate game at long ranges means the shooter may be pointing the firearm at
something he doesn’t intend to shoot.  If
you want to get a good look at game, use binoculars.   The binocular harnesses on the market are
inexpensive and keep binoculars from getting in the way.   There is also much less movement to check
out game than swinging a firearm into position.

2. Firearms Should Be Unloaded When
Not Actually In Use
Firearms should be
loaded only when you are in the field or on the target range or shooting area,
ready to shoot. If you are going to climb a tree to hunt with a firearm, load
it when you are secure in your stand and unload it before climbing down.

Whenever you handle a
firearm or hand it to someone, always open the action immediately, and visually
check the chamber, receiver and magazine to be certain they do not contain any
ammunition. Always keep actions open when not in use. Never assume a gun is
unloaded — check for yourself! This is considered a mark of an experienced gun
handler!  .

3. Don’t Rely On Your Gun’s
Treat every gun as though it can fire at any time.  The “safety” on any gun is a
mechanical device which, like any such device, can become inoperable at the
worst possible time. Besides, by mistake, the safety may be “off”
when you think it is “on.”

Never touch the trigger
on a firearm until you actually intend to shoot. Keep the safety “on”
until you are absolutely ready to fire.

4. Be Sure Of Your Target And What’s
Beyond It
No one can call a shot back. Once a gun fires,
you have given up all control over where the shot will go or what it will
strike. Don’t shoot unless you know exactly what your shot is going to strike. If
you are firing a gun at moving game and you haven’t practiced enough to be
accurate, you are not an ethical hunter.  Don’t try it afield unless you are able to hit
your target in practice 9 out of 10 times.

Use Correct Ammunition
You must assume the
serious responsibility of using only the correct ammunition for your firearm.   If you are using some else’s handloads, you
should take part in the process of handloading the ammunition to be certain of
its safety relative to pressure and components.

6. If Your Gun Fails To Fire When
The Trigger Is Pulled, Handle With Care!
Occasionally, a cartridge may not fire when the trigger is pulled.
If this occurs, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Keep your face
away from the breech. Then, carefully open the action, remove the magazine, if
applicable, unload the firearm and dispose of the cartridge in a safe way.

7. Always Wear Eye And Ear
Protection When Shooting
With youngsters, use ear plugs
inside muffs.


8. Be Sure The Barrel Is Clear Of
Obstructions Before Shooting
you load your firearm, open the action and be certain that no ammunition is in
the chamber or magazine. Be sure the barrel is clear of any obstruction.


9. Don’t Alter Or Modify Your Gun,
And Have Guns Serviced Regularly
Do not jeopardize your safety or the safety of
others by altering the trigger, safety or other mechanism of any firearm or
allowing unqualified persons to repair or modify a gun.


10. Learn The Mechanical And
Handling Characteristics Of The Firearm You Are Using
Since guns can be so different, never handle any
firearm without first having thoroughly familiarized yourself with the
particular type of firearm you are using, the safe gun handling rules for
loading, unloading, carrying and handling that firearm, and the rules of safe
gun handling in general.


Now, go have some fun!