The following table explains which species youth are allowed to hunt, with an appropriate license. Nonresidents up to 16 years old may purchase resident and junior licenses, except nonresidents are not eligible to apply for a Michigan elk license, including nonresident youth.

Firearm Hunting Rules for Youth Deer Hunters
The following restrictions apply to youth hunters who participate in any firearm deer season:
- Youths 10-13 years of age who hunt with a firearm may do so only on private land and Commercial Forest Land (a public-land antlerless deer license is required to hunt antlerless deer on Commercial Forest land).
- All hunters under age 17 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or someone 18 or older designated by their parent or guardian.
- All hunters participating in firearm seasons must wear hunter orange.
- For all youth-only firearm deer seasons, an adult accompanying a youth firearm deer hunter cannot possess or carry a firearm, crossbow, or bow and arrow, except if the adult is a veteran with 100 percent disability. The adult accompanying the youth must have a deer hunting license if the youth is an apprentice hunter (see Apprentice Hunting License).