Potterfields Donate $252,000 to RMEF Youth Firearm Endowment
Columbia, MO – In their continued efforts to help increase the number of youth involved inhunting and shooting sports, MidwayUSA owners Larry and Brenda Potterfieldrecently donated $252,000 to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) youthfirearm endowment, a program for supporting shooting teams across the United States.
The money donated to the endowment will be used to underwrite 72 Model 1895 Teddy Roosevelt Safari Rifle Sets for RMEF chapters across the United States.RMEF chapters will raffle these sets at their banquets in 2012 and a portion of the proceeds from these rifles will go to support the Scholastic Shooting Trustendowment, another program supported by the Potterfield family.
“The future of wildlife conservation and the promotion of the hunting and shooting sports lies in the future decisions of the young folks in school today,” said Larry Potterfield. “Supporting organizations like the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundationand investing more money in youth programs will allow our future leaders to make these decisions tomorrow and for years to come.”
Both rifles in the set are chambered in .405 Winchester caliber and will bear matching serial numbers, a deluxe leather double gun case, special edition hang tag, owner’s manual and hardbound copy of “African Game Trails” by Teddy Roosevelt.
“We are very grateful for the vision and support Larry and Brenda Potterfield continue to provide RMEF and other conservation groups,” saidRMEF VP of Marketing Steve Decker. “They are truly making a difference for hunting and shooting sports across the United States.”
For more information about the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, please visit their website or call 800-225-5355.