Hot Zone Deer Exclosure System Protects Food Plots

Protect your plot with the Hot Zone Deer Exclosure System from Non-Typical Wildlife Solutions.
Quality deer management, specifically the planting of food plots, is a rapidly growing trend amongst white-tailed deer hunters. Each year, many hunters spend countless hours and thousands of dollars preparing food plots only to have their hard work devastated by over-browsing before their food plots mature.
The Hot Zone Deer Exclosure System allows you to manage browsing pressure on your food plots to ensure maximum success. This unique system allows you to control access to food plots, or a certain portion of a plot, during critical growth phases. Once a food plot reaches a point at which it can withstand heavy browsing pressure, the system can be easily deactivated to allow deer in.
Dr. Grant Woods of Growing Deer TV said, “Food plots can be great stand locations for mature bucks. However, food plots can be rapidly over browed. A simple solution to control when deer use your food plots is the Hot Zone Deer Exclosure system. It protects the forage until you wish to hunt and helps you pattern mature bucks.”
Each Hot Zone Deer Exclosure System includes all the components you need to protect up to a 220 yard perimeter, which equates to roughly ¾ of an acre depending on the shape of your food plot. Each kit comes with a 12,000 volt energizer, a solar panel to maintain a deep cycle battery, eight 7/8” fiberglass corner fence posts, 32 – 1/2” fiberglass fence posts, 460 yards of wire, 230 yards of tape, 65 post pins, 3 wire/tape tensioners and one ground rod.
The only item you need to purchase separately is a 12 volt deep cycle battery.
The system sets up and takes down quickly and easily. Only a few tools are required. The integrated solar charging system allows for use in remote areas.
If you would like to protect food plots larger than ¾ of an acre, all you need to do is purchase the Hot Zone Expansion Kit, which includes everything to expand your protection area up to 3.5 acres.
Non-Typical Wildlife Solutions is the newest addition to Battenfeld Technologies, Inc., the parent company of numerous brands you know and trust – Caldwell Shooting Supplies, Wheeler Engineering, Tipton Gun Supplies, Lockdown Gun Vault Accessories and more.
Don’t let your efforts go to waste. Protect your investment of time, money and labor in food plot establishment with The Hot Zone Deer Exclosure System. To learn more about The Hot Zone Deer Exclosure System visit or call 573-445-9200.