Californian Hunters Rally Against AB-1221

SACRAMENTO-Special to The Outdoor Wire From Western Outdoor News —Hundreds of houndsmen and women and other conservationists and concerned interests showed up on the west steps of the State Capitol on Friday for a rally to urge Governor Brown to veto SB 1221, a bill that would ban the used of hounds for hunting bears and bobcats in California. The bill is currently on the Governor’s desk, awaiting a veto or signature.
The rally was called for by the California Houndsmen for Conservation (CHC), California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA), and the US Sportsman’s Alliance and to show a strong alliance against SB 1221, a bill written by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) in their first major step to stop all hunting in California.

Both the Legislature and the Senate passed the bill with many of the support votes coming from Legislators who’s campaigns have enjoyed the financial support of HSUS. The bill was carried by Senator Ted Lieu and Senate Pro Tem Darrel Steinberg to further their anti-hunting agendas.
Rick Bullock and Bill Gaines from COHA, Senator Senator Doug La Malfa (R/04th – Butte) (who is now running for Congress), 17-year-old Paige Pearce, a world champion archer and avid hunter, and Josh Brones, president of CHC addressed the crowd.
The recurring theme was that sportsmen of all types need to stand together to fight this legislation, that will not likely stop with just hounds. It is believed that this will be the first step toward banning the use of hunting dogs all together, including upland game dogs, pointers, setters and retrievers.
Following the speakers was a show of force, whereby every hunter in attendance was asked to sign a letter and present them to the Governor opposing this legislation. The letters were signed and a long line of angry sportsmen filed through security to assemble in the main hall of the capital building and make their presence known and deliver the stack of letters.
Governor Brown has until Sept. 30 to either sign, not sign (which still passes the bill) or veto SB 1221. Sportsmen of all persuasions need to stand strong against this bill, and everyone is urged to contact the Governor’s office immediately and ask him to veto SB 1221. To have wildlife management governed by the dictates of legislation, especially when the Legislators are bought and paid for, is not in the best interests of the fish and game in California.