CalGuns Asks for Help to Combat Brady Campaign
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Unsurprisingly, the Brady Campaign is strongly backing two very extreme anti-rights bills, SB 53(Senator Kevin de León’s Orwellian ammunition purchase and sales restrictions) and SB 755 (Senator Lois Wolk’s outrageous expansion of those categorized as “prohibited persons” who can’t possess or acquire guns or ammunition). They’re asking their supporters to call, write, and fax the Legislature — running a drill on our rights — but we can make sure to give the Legislature something else to consider by sending letters using FPC’s built-in Take Action tools, sending faxes, and keeping the phones ringing off the hook Monday and Tuesday.
Don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what Dallas Stout, President of the California Brady Campaign Chapters, had to say about SB 53 and SB 755 just yesterday in an email to their contacts:
“The California State Assembly is scheduled to begin its Independence Day recess soon. However, before lawmakers leave Sacramento for the holiday, the Assembly Public Safety Committee will vote on two key LIFE Act (Lifesaving Intelligent Firearms Enforcement Act) bills – SB 53 and SB 755. These bills are crucial to preventing gun violence and creating a safer California. SB 53 and SB 755 have already passed the Senate and are ready to move forward. But the Assembly Public Safety Committee members need to hear from you.”
Make no mistake: both SB 53 and SB 755 are key parts of the gun control movement’s 3-step plan to destroy the Second Amendment and undermine your fundamental civil rights: 1) Compile a database of gun and ammunition owners; 2) Expand the classes of prohibited people/guns/ammunition/etc.; 3) Disarm by force. And now the CA DOJ has $24 Million of YOUR MONEY to pay for step 3 (thanks to SB 140)… They’re looking to round out steps 1 and 2 in SB 53 and SB 755 – DON’T SIT BACK AND LET THIS HAPPEN!
Bottom line: GET LOUD AND GET TO WORK OPPOSING THESE BILLS! Don’t wait for the other guy to stand up for YOUR RIGHTS. Take this personally and let’s make Brady wish they had the numbers of passionate citizen activists that we do.
Gun Control Bills Up This Week For Hearings In Senate, Assembly
Monday, July 1, 10:00 a.m. Senate Appropriations Committee (Link to live audio & agenda at the Committee’s web page) Bill(s): AB 169
Tuesday, July 2, 9:00 a.m. Assembly Public Safety Committee (Link to live audio & agenda at the Committee’s web page) Bill(s): SB 38, SB 53, SB 108, SB 127, SB 293, SB 755
Tuesday, July 2, 9:30 a.m. Senate Public Safety Committee (Link to live audio & agenda at the Committee’s web page) Bill(s): AB 48, AB 500, AB 1131
Click Here for a phone/fax/email directory of every member of the California Legislature.
Zombie Gun Control Bills Set to Eat Away Your Rights
Yes, the Zombie Apocalypse has come to the California State Legislature — in the form of anti-gun bills. Once thought to be dead, these bills rose from the grave to terrorize gun owners once again.
AB 1296 (Skinner), which expanded the length of time certain individuals would lose their gun rights, and AB 740 (Hueso), which expands the list of those who would be prohibited from owning a firearm, ‘died’ in the Assembly last month. But thanks to California’s “gut and amend” process, which allows members to completely replace the language of a bill that is still moving through the legislative cycle, these measures have been brought back to life.
AB 1131 (Skinner) — which used to address the reporting of clean energy appropriations — has been amended to Increase the current prohibition on firearms ownership from 5 years to 10 years for those taken into custody and placed in an approved facility for a 72-hour treatment and evaluation if the person is a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or is gravely disabled, as a result of a mental disorder.
There is no evidence that the existing 5 year prohibition is insufficient. This measure only serves to further stigmatize those who may have, at one time, experienced challenges in their mental health.
AB 280 (Hueso) — which used to deal with paid voluntary leave for school employees — now addresses importing and selling firearms into California. This measure is duplicative at best and horribly confusing for law enforcement in any case.
These “new” bills should go to remind us that as long as the California Legislature is still in session our Second Amendment gun rights are not safe.
We encourage you to join with us and help fight back at Thanks for your continuing hard work and support.
In liberty,
P.S. Don’t forget to take advantage of FPC’s Stop The Gun Control Madness contest — be entered to win a very cool new firearm just for sending letters opposing gun control at!
— Brandon Combs is the Executive Director of The Calguns Foundation, founder and president of California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees, and the creator and managing director of Firearms Policy Coalition.
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