A High-Fence Gut Wrencher

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Canned-shoots and game farms is possibly one of, if not the biggest threat we face as a hunter. Watch this video, feel a little bit sick, and then please share.
The Boone and Crockett Club is opposed to canned shoots because they create an artificial relationship between predator and prey. The Club upholds the moral principle that hunting is justified under the conditions of Fair Chase because of the value of the predator-prey relationship. Consistent with this position, the Club will not include in The Records of North American Big Game any animal taken in a canned shoot.
The Club recommends that all hunters and hunting clubs or organizations discourage the practice of canned shoots because it violates the principles of Fair Chase.

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Here’s an argument by the owner of a high-fence operation who states that fair chase is more likely within his enclosure than it is outside his enclosure.
Here’s the website for his place: Quest Haven Lodge. According to his website, his operation is approximately 1000 acres. 1000 acres is approximately 1.3 miles by 1.3 miles.
His arguments are very persuasive and appear to bring in clients. The main argument is that there is 1 hunter per 10 acres in Pennsylvania, where as hunting on his “preserve” there might possibly be one hunter per 400 acres. Common sense would tell the average guy that this is an oversimplified assessment of the situation. For instance not all hunters hunt at the same time, and of course the deer aren’t trapped in an enclosed area nor have they been raised by humans.