Visit our web store to order Boone and Crockett Club’s 28th Big Game Awards book — Hunting Stories, Field Photos, and Trophy Listings!
Boone and Crockett Club’s 28th Big Game Awards book is the most up-to-date big game records book available with a complete listing of over 4,900 trophies accepted in the 28th Awards Program. Each listing includes the B&C gross score along with the B&C final score, selected measurements, location and date of kill, hunter and owner, as well as the rank based on the B&C final score in the 28th Awards Program. 

In this 704-page book you will also find hundreds of photographs — portraits of the 95 top trophies, hunters in the field, and a special 32-page color section of the best field photos from the 28th Awards Program, not to mention 17 score charts including the measurements for the top trophies.
What sets this publication apart from other books are the tales of the hunts for 95 of the top North American big game animals entered in the Club’s 28th Awards Program.
Read about the hunts for some of the highest-ranking trophies ever taken by today’s hunters. True adventure stories told by the hunters themselves provide exciting reading and invaluable information about areas currently producing trophy quality big game animals. Each story is unique, and each hunter has their own special way of capturing in words the intensity of the experience.
Click here to page through a FREE preview of the book.
A TRUE COLLECTOR’S EDITION — PRICED AT JUST $49.95! Only 3,000 copies of the hard cover edition are available; no more will be printed. Don’t delay, order your copy now.B&C Associates receive a 20% discount. Join Today.

Boone and Crockett Club’s 28th Big Game Awards Book

Order your copy today by visiting the Club’s web store or by calling toll-free 888-840-4868. Regular pice, just $49.95 plus S&H.