Brownells Opens Registration for 8th Annual Gunsmith Conference & Career Fair

Photo Caption: Legendary custom gunmaker Jerry Fisher examines a student’s work at GCCF 2013.
Brownells is pleased to announce that registration for its 8th Annual Gunsmith Conference and Career Fair is now open. The industry-exclusive event will again be held at the Downtown Marriott in Des Moines, Iowa, April 1-2, 2014.
The Gunsmith Conference and Career Fair is the perfect venue for prospective, student or working gunsmiths to interact the with industry’s top employers and personalities. Further, it’s great opportunity for those firearm-related companies looking for qualified gunsmiths, or to show off their products to key customers. As in year’s past, there will be no charge for individuals or companies to attend.
In addition to the unique networking and potential employment opportunities, the Gunsmith Conference and Career Fair will feature a host of seminars ranging from firearm-specific topics to business tips for gun shop owners.
Among the speakers already signed up are Steve Sanetti, President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Les Baer, owner of Les Baer Custom, Stan Chen, owner of Stan Chen Custom, Jason Hornady, Vice President of Hornady Manufacturing, and legendary gunsmiths and gunmakers Joe Balickie, Jerry Fisher, Ron Power, Sharon Dressel and more. Doug Turnbull of Turnbull Manufacturing will deliver the keynote address at Wednesday evening’s banquet.
“The 2013 event was incredible,” said Matt Buckingham, Brownells President/COO. “The quality of the students, speakers, companies, lectures — everything was top-notch. Unfortunately, we nearly ran out of room, so it’s very important to register early. We can’t wait to see everyone there next April.”
The 2013 Gunsmith Conference and Career Fair filled to capacity with more than 400 attendees and 50 exhibitors. Therefore, early registration is encouraged.
Attendees and exhibitors may register online now. For more information, visit the Gunsmith Conference and Career Fair website or contact Mary Anna Christiansen at
Founded in 1939, Brownells is an Iowa-based, family-owned company that supplies more than 82,000 firearms parts, accessories, reloading components, gunsmithing tools, and ammunition to armorers, gunsmiths, the military, and shooters worldwide. In addition to their industry-leading 100% lifetime guarantee – forever – on EVERY product sold, their staff of veteran Gun Techs is available to assist customers with technical help to fix any gun-related problem – free of charge. There are no minimum order sizes or return/exchange fees. To place an order, or for more information, call 800-741-0015 or visit