DNR responds to new aquatic invasive plant – parrot feather
A suspected sighting of the highly invasive plant parrot feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) was reported to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in the fall of 2013. Following recently developed state agency protocols, the DEQ transferred the report to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Wildlife Division. A team of Wildlife Division staff, utilizing the new Early Detection and Response Plan, conducted verification and assessment at a small detention pond in Wayne County’s Brownstown Township.
As part of the assessment process, staff members surveyed local waters near the detention pond to determine the distribution of the species and gather pertinent information. From that initial assessment, it appears this non-native species is isolated to the detention pond; however, more intensive survey efforts are being planned for the surrounding area in the spring of 2014.
Following verification and assessment, DNR staff developed an initial response plan for eradicating this species from the site. Working cooperatively with the local homeowners’ association, Aqua-Weed Control, Inc. (the original reporters) and DEQ, the DNR obtained permissions and permits for a late-season herbicide application. Treatment of this species was conducted in early November, funded through a federal grant project. The site will be monitored for treatment efficacy, with any necessary follow-up treatments to begin in spring 2014.
Parrot feather has only been found in the Great Lakes basin in a few previous locations (in Michigan’s Oakland County and Indiana’s Steuben County). The source of this new infestation is unknown, but it is possible that this plant – popular in aquariums and water gardens – may have been released into the pond.
Parrot feather is a “prohibited species” in Michigan, which makes its possession, transport or release illegal, due to the severe negative effects it can have on native ecosystems. It is a submerged plant, which will eventually grow to emerge 6-12 inches above the water’s surface. It is highly aggressive and out-competes many native plant species, disrupting ecosystem functions, clogging navigable waters and impeding recreation.
Finding and eradicating any new occurrences of these types of species before they become established or spread is the key principle behind the DNR’s Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) program. Proactive EDRR is typically much more cost-effective and provides higher chances of success in dealing with invasive species.
The EDRR program was pioneered through a three-year Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant. After two and a half years, the EDRR program has verified 60 unique detections of six new high-threat aquatic invasive plant species in Michigan. Prioritized response efforts have occurred at 21 sites, with future actions planned. For more information on the EDRR program, please go to www.michigan.gov/
Early detection and response is one of four main goals outlined in the state’s recently revised Aquatic Invasive Species State Management Plan. Revision and implementation of this plan is a collaborative effort between DEQ, DNR and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Suspected parrot feather sightings should be reported to www.misin.msu.edu or to Matt Ankney, EDRR coordinator, at ankneym2@michigan.gov or 517-641-4903.