Petition Drive Launched to Protect Hunting, Fishing Rights
Michigan United Conservation Clubs is proud to announce the launch of a petition drive to protect our outdoor heritage from out-of-state anti-hunters. MUCC is part of a coalition of conservation organizations called the Citizens for Professional Wildlife Management that is working to pass a citizen-initiated law to ensure that Michigan’s fish and wildlife are managed with sound science. And we need over 300,000 signatures to do it.
The initiative, called the Scientific Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act, protects the bipartisan Natural Resources Commission’s ability to name game species and issue fisheries orders using sound science, provides free licenses for active military members, and appropriates funding for rapid response to control aquatic invasive species like Asian carp. As a citizen-initiated law, we need to collect signatures to place the law before the Legislature and convince them that the people of Michigan support it. Anti-hunters led by the Humane Society of the United States are collecting signatures to attack hunting, fishing and trapping rights; we’re collecting signatures to protect them!
We’re asking you to join the fight to protect Michigan’s outdoor heritage by signing a petition and collecting signatures. If every MUCC member collects just 8 signatures, we’ll succeed. So visit the Citizens for Professional Wildlife Management’s website and sign up to volunteer and learn more about the initiative. Together, we can protect the rights to hunt, fish and trap for generations to come. Volunteer today!