“Discover the Scam” Hits Times Square

This from www.humanewatch.org…

We recently started a campaign asking Discover to stop giving money to the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), an organization that paid $6 million to settle racketeering and bribery allegations and that a state attorney general opened an investigation of earlier this year. Discover has a credit card deal whereby it’ll pay about $1 million a year to HSUS.

Until Discover pulls its support for HSUS—which Bank of America has apparently done with a previous deal with HSUS—we are calling for consumers and businesses to boycott Discover. We are confident that it’s only a matter of time until Discover sees the light that giving money to an organization that manipulates and deceives Americans isn’t wise business policy. And we’re making sure more people learn about the scam that Discover is funding.

As of last weekend, we put up a set of billboards in Times Square alerting New Yorkers and holiday visitors to visit DiscoverTheScam.com and learn more about what’s going on. If you haven’t already, sign our petition to show your support for boycotting Discover until it drops HSUS.




One comment

  • Randy Janssen

    The HSUS is an urban concentrated vegan cult that wants to change our eating habits and how our food is produced. It raises over 150 million dollar by pretending to take care of dogs and cats while it spends less then 1 cent on the dollar to feed and shelter cats and dogs. The HSUS is being investigated for fraud for the ways it raises money and how it is spent. ( http://protecttheharvest.com/oklahoma-attorney-general-scott-pruitt-wants-hsus-answer-deceptive-practices/ ) It was disqualified as a charity by Charity Navigator. It complains about AG Gag bills but it was convicted of racketeering in Florida for paying someone to lie about animal abuse. The HSUS IS AGAINST RODEO AND HUNTING. IT IS FOR A VEGETERIAN LIFE STYLE AND AGAINST EATING MEAT. ( This was posted on a report about a statue of Gandhi that the HSUS helped pay for. “ God bless Sadhu Vaswani and the HSUS for taking this opportunity to promote Mahatma Gandhi’s vegetarian philosophy!”) The HSUS says it spends 79% of its money on “animal welfare programs”, but it does not say what they are. (You probably can assume some of the money went to make a statue to Gandhi) The HSUS has been accused of paying employees to abuse animals and videoing the abuse as proof that meat production should be stopped. The HSUS wants to stop seal hunting, contending someone should pay the hunters to stop, but it will not use any of the 20 million dollars it stashes off shore to pay the hunters. The HSUS is bad for America so don’t applaud its lackeys. If you want to support something think about giving to the child fund, St. Jude, the Wounded Warriors, or you local food bank. If you want to help animals, give money to you local animal shelter. Giving money to the HSUS is throwing money away on a bloated bureaucracy that waste it on salaries and litigation. It claims to do good but if you really look at what it does, it only piggybacks on the work of local organizations.