Dove Lethality Study, More in Latest LSON

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department recently released a multi-year study on lead versus nontoxic load and their lethality on dove.
The report came to some very interesting conclusions; mainly the type of shot used has no statistical difference when it comes to killing dove. To read more about what the study found, pick up a copy of Lone Star Outdoor News, available today online at and on newsstands.
Also in this issue, one of our favorite outdoor artists, Herb Booth, died last week from surgery complications after a train struck his truck in rural Texas. Booth will be missed from all of those who enjoyed great hunting and fishing art.
For deer hunters, while northern locales are well into the post-rut, the festivities are just beginning to kickoff down in South Texas. Read about the action in this issue.
In fishing, LSON talks with a Corpus Christi seafood market owner helping meet the demand for the less fortunate this holiday season, a river trout report from some of the best winter fly-fishing spots in Texas, and we also preview some lesser-known largemouth bass lakes across the state.
As always, we have the most accurate fishing reports and our popular Game Warden Blotter recounting tales of some of the dumbest poachers in the state.
To download current and past issues of Lone Star Outdoor News, go to:
For information, call Managing Editor Conor Harrison, (214) 361-2276.