MidwayUSA Foundation Offers The Nearly Perfect Rifle Battery

Columbia, MO – The MidwayUSA Foundation is offering teams the chance to win a rare and unique set of four rifles to use as a team fundraiser. The Nearly Perfect Rifle Battery (NPRB) was created for the MidwayUSA Foundation by Winchester and each unique rifle is the legendary Winchester Model 70 Super Grade. Tickets are $100 each and available now through February 20, 2015. Only 500 tickets will be sold and the winner will be announced February 23, 2015 via the MidwayUSA Foundation website.

The Nearly Perfect Rifle Battery consists of the Varmint Rifle, a Model 70 Super Grade chambered in a 22-250 Remington, the Deer and Antelope Rifle chambered in a 270 Winchester, the Elk and Moose Rifle chambered in a 300 Winchester magnum and the Dangerous Game Rifle chambered in a 375 H & H Magnum. Each beautiful rifle is built with the pre-’64 style action that offers a forged steal receiver, massive external claw extractor, controlled round feeding and reliable blade ejection.

“We are really excited to offer this ONE remaining NPRB to a shooting team, ” said Dick Leeper, Executive Director of the MidwayUSA Foundation. “We think the winning team can generate substantial funds for their Team Endowment Account. The previous NPRBs helped participating teams raise, on average, over $10,000 per set. ”

There is no limit to the number of tickets teams and individuals can purchase but only 500 will be available. Those wishing to purchase a ticket(s) can do so by visiting the promotions page of the MidwayUSA Foundation website and filling out the NPRB ticket purchase form. Individuals must indicate the team that will receive the NPRB to use as a fundraiser, should they win.

Through its Team Endowment Account Program, the MidwayUSA Foundation helps communities and organizations raise funds to support their youth shooting teams and activities. Teams with an active Team Endowment Account can draw up to 5% of their account balance each year to use for team expenses, such as ammunition, competition entry fees, travel, uniforms and more. Those teams wishing to apply this year can do so by December 15. Currently, over two-thousand youth shooting teams have an account with the MidwayUSA Foundation.

For more information about the MidwayUSA Foundation and its Team Endowment Account Program, please visitwww.midwayusafoundation.org or call 1-877-375-4570.