Legislation Would Eliminate Ethanol Mandate for Fuel

New Gretna, NJ – On Thursday, February 26, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Pat Toomey introduced the Corn Ethanol Mandate Elimination Act of 2015. This bill, S.577, if passed and signed into law, would eliminate the corn ethanol mandate portion of the Renewable Fuel Standard, which while it falls short of capping the amount of ethanol required in motor fuels, is a step in the right direction.
“The RFA supports this bill,” said Jim Donofrio, executive director of the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA), “because passage could lead to the elimination of the threat of E15 fuels being mandated for use in recreational boats and a rethinking of the entire Renewable Fuel Standard.”
The bill would gut the main driver of higher ethanol content in motor fuels, corn. The powerful corn lobby has been pushing for the increase, which threatens boat engines and marine fuel systems.
The RFA joins the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) in applauding the move by Senators Toomey and Feinstein as they work together, across the aisle, to address the critical flaws of the Renewable Fuel Standard. The RFS is a broken law which sets unrealistic fuel mandates and requires a long term fix from Congress. The recreational boating community as a whole knows first-hand the problems associated with the RFS. This damage hurts manufacturers during a time of important economic recovery and places the burden of unnecessary risks upon the shoulders of American consumers.
Last week’s bill is in addition to Congressman Bob Goodlatte’s Renewable Fuel Standard Elimination Act (H.R. 1461) and the Renewable Fuel Standard Reform Act (H.R. 1462). A strong bicameral approach to RFS reform has emerged, pointing towards what NMMA hopes will be Congressional action this year.
About Recreational Fishing Alliance
The Recreational Fishing Alliance is a national, grassroots political action organization representing recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry on marine fisheries issues. The RFA Mission is to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation’s saltwater fisheries. For more information, call 888-JOIN-RFA or visit www.joinrfa.org.