Billy Kats / GVK11 Outdoors Publishes Kyli’s First Hunt

Lombard, IL – Billy Kats, owner and host of GVK11 Outdoors, announced that he has released a new online video aptly titled “Kyli’s First Hunt.” As the title suggests, this life-changing hunt marks the first time in which Billy’s legacy is truly measured against his father’s.
George Vasilios Katsigiannis left quite a legacy, one forged from a life of outdoor pursuits and stewardship, firmly rooted in his son and fostered by life lessons learned beyond the sidewalk. This short video marks a new chapter for Billy Kats as he transcends from the student of his father’s legacy to the teacher, sharing their legacies with Kyli while helping her begin building her own. Support Billy’s dream of sharing this message far and wide by watching this video, sharing it often and making the commitment to pass on your outdoor legacy to the youth in your midst… and beyond. Visit ( to see this inspiring hunt unfold and stick around to watch other great videos!
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About GVK11 Outdoors
Billy Kats’ GVK11 Outdoors is focused on delivering valuable, unbiased and credible information those adventure seekers with an affinity for our outdoor heritage, regardless of age, gender or level of experience. Founded as a tribute to his father, George Vasilios Katsigiannis (and his lucky number “11”), Kats’ GVK11 Outdoors seeks to deliver the grit, integrity and adventure of the outdoors from the perspective of a father’s legacy through the GVK11 Outdoors website, social media and soon, premium television. “Be a full-timer, not a part-timer!”
For more information about GVK11 Outdoors, please visit their website at