Boyds Releases New Video Series

MITCHELL, S.D. – Boyds Hardwood Gunstocks has recently released an exciting new video series. Boyds Take It Till You Break It videos demonstrate the extreme measures that must be taken to break a Boyds gunstock. The new series shows viewers just how rugged and durable Boyds hardwood gunstocks are.
In the series, the Boyds crew doesn’t hold anything back testing their gunstocks. Pick-up trucks, tomahawk throws, helicopters, and binary explosives are all employed to show the beating a Boyds hardwood gunstock can withstand.
In everyday use, gunstocks are exposed to a wide variety of conditions. Whether you’re hunting in subzero temperatures, scaling a fence, climbing up in a treestand, or simply driving through rough terrain on the way to your favorite hunting spot, your gunstock will most likely be abused. Boyds new Take It Till You Break It videos show the punishment a Boyds hardwood gunstock takes before it reaching its breaking point.
The new video series takes a comedic yet intense approach to educating customers about the durability of their hardwood gunstocks. They push the limits of each tested gunstock beyond its breaking point, so viewers can see first-hand the excesses each stock endures before finally breaking.
“We like to have fun,” said Dustin Knutson, General Manager at Boyds. “We wanted to show the world just how durable our gunstocks are, and have a good time doing it. I’m pleased to say that we were able to accomplish both objectives.” To see Boyds new Take It Till You Break It videos along with their educational Naked Truth videos, visit
Boyds is the leading manufacturer of high-quality hardwood gunstocks in the world. An American, family-owned business located in Mitchell, S.D., Boyds builds well over 100,000 different makes and models of gunstocks priced under $100. All of Boyds hardwood gunstocks can be found and ordered at