ABM Ammo Introduces New 308 Winchester Ammo Featuring Berger 185gr Juggernaut Bullets

Applied Ballistics Munition’s (ABM Ammo) Chief Ballistician, Bryan Litz, has been hard at work in the ballistics lab developing more ABM Ammo using some of Berger’s most popular bullet designs. This summer they plan to release several new rounds that their loyal customers have been waiting for since their initial launch. Two such rounds have already passed their rigorous field testing phase and are now available to purchase; the 308 Winchester 185gr Match Juggernaut OTM Tactical and the 308 Winchester 185gr Match Juggernaut Target rounds.
The Mission Ready ™ 185gr Berger Match Juggernaut OTM Tactical load for the 308 Winchester offers extended long range capability and more energy on target. Truly worthy of its name, the Juggernaut powers through the transonic zone with full stability, contributing to higher hit percentages at longer ranges. Loaded to magazine length, this round extends the capability of both bolt guns and semi-autos.
The Match Ready ™ 185gr Berger Match Juggernaut Target load for the 308 Winchester was optimized for Palma and F-class (TR) long range competition which demands minimal wind drift and minimal vertical stringing. The 185 gr Juggernaut load enables the utmost confidence shot after shot. This staple load made from quality components lends itself to serious competitors and recreational shooters alike.
These two new 308 Winchester offerings allow shooters to find the best ammunition to meet their needs, whether they are feeding through a magazine or single feeding directly into the chamber.
For full specs on these cartridges read the full blog here: https://buyabmammo.3dcartstores.com/New-308-Winchester-Ammo-Featuring-Berger-185gr-Juggernaut-Bullets_b_7.html
Ask your local Dealer for ABM Ammo or visit their website at www.ABMammo.com to buy now.
Berger Bullets, a long time precision oriented bullet manufacturer, launched Applied Ballistics Munitions in early August 2014. ABM Ammo specializes in making the highest quality rifle ammunition using three specific cases: 308 Winchester, 300 Winchester Magnum and 338 Lapua Magnum. ABM Ammo has combined the capabilities of Berger Bullets, Bryan Litz and decades of precision ammunition loading experience with the top components used by handloaders to get consistent performance from shot to shot and more importantly from lot to lot.