Frankford Arsenal Releases the Platinum Series Hand Deprimer Tool

COLUMBIA, MO – Frankford Arsenal Reloading Tools releases the new Platinum Series Hand Deprimer Tool. This revolutionary hand deprimer is another premium product offered under the Platinum Series line by Frankford Arsenal.
The Platinum Series Hand Deprimer is made of robust die cast aluminum and features a full length ergonomic grip. The fully contained operating system captures the spent primers in a collection tube of which can be removed and emptied with ease.
The Platinum Series Hand Deprimer features our (patent pending) Universal Collet System that can handle brass from .20 cal all the way up to .338 Lapua. Our versatile Hand Deprimer can also deprime pistol brass and Military crimped primers quickly and easily. In just 4 easy steps you can deprime your spent brass by hand! The Platinum Series Hand Deprimer is truly an essential tool to add to your reloading station.