Larry & Brenda Potterfield Make Donation To Youth Shooting Sports

Columbia, MO –Larry and Brenda Potterfield, owners of MidwayUSA, recently donated $102,432 to the MidwayUSA Foundation to benefit youth shooting sports. This donation stems from the matching program offered by the MidwayUSA Foundation. Donors have the ability to choose the shooting team that will benefit from their donation and Larry and Brenda Potterfield match that donation.

Along with the matching program, the MidwayUSA Foundation offers its active teams promotional items to use as fundraisers. At this time, teams can register to receive a Winchester Model 70 Super Grade rifle to raise funds for their shooting team. Larry and Brenda Potterfield also match proceeds generated from these promotions and returned to a team’s respective endowment account.

The MidwayUSA Foundation is a public charity working to sustain the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to youth shooting teams. Shooting teams with a Team Endowment Account can draw 5% of their account balance each year to use for team expenses. The funds can be used for ammunition, uniforms, entry fees, travel costs and more.
For more information about the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc., please visit or call 1-877-375-4570.
Changing the future of youth shooting sports.