Michigan Announces Two Free ORV Weekends

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources invites off-road enthusiasts to enjoy two Free ORV Weekends this year on June 13-14 and Aug. 22-23. During these weekends, the DNR waives the requirement to have an ORV license or trail permit to ride an ORV on DNR-designated routes and trails, and on public roads open to ORV riding.
ORV riders can explore more than 3,700 miles of designated ORV trails. All rules found in the 2015 ORV Handbook of Michigan Off-Road Vehicle Laws apply during Free ORV Weekends. ORV trail maps are available at www.michigan.gov/orvtrails.
ORV riders are invited to share photos and updates about their Free ORV Weekend experiences on social media using the hashtag #MiFreeORV.
For more information about the upcoming Free ORV Weekends, contact Maia Turek at turekm@michigan.gov or 989-225-8573.
A Recreation Passport grants vehicle access to any Michigan state park, boat launch, state forest campground or nonmotorized state trailhead parking. Residents can purchase the Passport for just $11 ($5 for motorcycles) at the time of Michigan license plate renewal through Secretary of State. Forgot to check “YES” during renewal? Residents and nonresidents can purchase a Recreation Passport window sticker during regular business hours at state parks. Learn more about how the Recreation Passport supports state parks and local outdoor recreation opportunities at www.michigan.gov/recreationpassport.