New Book From Gun Digest Helps You Choose the Right Bullet

Iola, Wisconsin –There have never been more bullet choices for today’s shooters and hunters, and in Understanding Ballistics: Complete Guide to Bullet Selection, ballistician Philip P. Massaro expertly breaks down every facet of proper bullet selection for hunting, competition, target shooting, and self-defense. Understanding Ballistics covers both factory-loaded ammo and components for handloading. It is the definitive resource to help shooters better understand bullet properties and performance and properly choose the best one for their needs. The book is available now at, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other major and specialty retailers.
This handy guide includes detailed reviews of almost all available bullets in both factory-loaded and component form; appropriate bullets for all rifles, from light target guns to deer rifles, long-range target guns, and safari and dangerous game rifles; best pistol bullets for self-defense, handgun hunting, or competition.
Massaro walks the shooter through the physics of the bullet and its capabilities once delivered onto the intended target. He gives detailed descriptions of almost every bullet on the market today: how they’re constructed, how they shoot, their intended purpose, and how they perform in real-world situations.
Exhaustively researched and fully illustrated, Understanding Ballistics is the best resource available to help you understand bullet technology and performance.
Order print or e-book copies of Understanding Ballistics: Complete Guide to Bullet Selection today from Gun Digest at or by calling (855) 840-5120 (product number T5453);;; and most other major and specialty booksellers.
Understanding Ballistics: Complete Guide to Bullet Selection by Philip P. Massaro
Gun Digest Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4402-4336-3 ? Price: $24.99 ? Paperback: 6×9 ? 272 Pages
About Gun Digest Books
Gun Digest has been the firearm industry’s premier publishing brand since 1944. In addition to the Gun Digest Annual, the imprint is home to the Standard Catalog of Firearms pricing guide and more than 150 active titles on handguns, rifles, shotguns, shooting, reloading, gunsmithing, self-defense, and firearms history.
About the Author
Philip P. Massaro is the founder and president of Massaro Ballistic Laboratories, which creates custom handloaded ammunition for a broad spectrum of clients. In addition to his ballistics work, Massaro is a regular contributor to Gun Digest and Gun Digest the Magazine. He is also the author of the Gun Digest Shooter’s Guide to Reloading.
Media Contact: Jim Schlender, Publisher;; (715) 445-2214, x13346.