POMA Adopts New Logo

Professional Outdoor Media Association Adopts New Logo as Part of 10th Anniversary Celebration
Johnstown, Pa. – The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) is celebrating its 10th Anniversary with a new look. The newly redesigned logo captures the organization’s emphasis for the traditional outdoor sports and the storytellers, who keep that passion alive.
“Following in the steps of the many changes within POMA, the board of directors asked our voting media members to decide on a logo which best reflects our current path,” stated Tom Opre, POMA president. “Our members overwhelmingly voted to move forward with the updated logo.”
In a moment’s glace, the new POMA logo captures the “hook and bullet” inspiration behind the organization, showcasing a fish tail emerging from the letter P and bullet moving, with purpose, across the logo. The red color makes a bold statement about the organization’s passion and pride.
“We created a logo that would visually capture the essence of our organization – explaining who POMA is at a glance. I think the new logo really achieves that, while preserving the heritage and passion in the organization,” said Kevin Orthman, POMA executive director and CEO. “In this increasingly visual, multi-media world, I believe this new brand identity will help represent the future for POMA.”
POMA media members and Corporate Partners can begin using the new logo effective immediately. “I hope our membership will proudly display this moniker as a badge of honor in belonging to the most prestigious outdoor media organization in America,” added Orthman.
For more information, or to become a member, visit www.professionaloutdoormedia.org.
Twitter: @POMA_HQ
Kevin Orthman, Executive Director
248-894-4903 cell
Shelly Moore, Membership Director
The Professional Outdoor Media Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting traditional outdoor sports including hunting, fishing, archery and the storytellers of the outdoor industry at a national level. Membership includes media members from broadcast, Internet and print outlets, as well as Corporate Partners representing an array of products and services targeted for the outdoorsman. Founded in 2005, POMA is based in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
POMA Mission
To foster excellence in communications at all levels, help members build their businesses, connect media and industry, promote fair and honest communication of the traditional outdoor sports and conservation stories, and mentor the next generation of traditional outdoor sports communicators.