Free Big Game Decoy Setup Guide From Montana Decoy

Montana Decoys is excited to announce the launch of the 2015 Big Game Decoy Setup Guide. This downloadable guide features seven unique hunting situations that will show hunters how and when to use a decoy. With advice from some of the top hunters, this guide will help everyone become a better elk, moose or antelope hunter in preparation for the coming season.
This detailed guide illustrates common situations that hunters face each season, including how to lure a mature bull elk into a field, hunt them in the high country or during the rut. Need to know how grab the attention of an occupied bull, or use a decoy during the post rut? We’ve got you covered. Scroll on down and the guide depicts a couple scenes on luring in rutting bull moose and antelope bucks. Each scenario accurately describes which decoys to use and how they are most effective in certain situations.
The guide is free to download at And as a gift for doing so, users will receive a special coupon code for 15% off of their next purchase at