Otis Technology Announces Ripcord BOGO

Lyons Falls, NY: Otis Technology is pleased to announce enticing year-end consumer promotions. The company is offering a buy-one-get-one-free promotion on its Ripcord® product line.
There are several ways consumer can take advantage of this BOGO. By purchasing through the Otis website, consumers can purchase any size Ripcord and get any size free, up to four free Ripcords. This promotion ran August 1 – September 30 and will be offered again December 1-31, 2015.
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Beginning October 1 and running through December 31, 2015, Otis is offering a mail-in rebate for its BOGO promotion. Consumers can purchase a Ripcord through any authorized retailer, either in- store or online, and complete the mail-in rebate form to receive a free Ripcord (.223 cal, .30 cal, 9mm, .45 cal or 12 ga).
“We introduced the Ripcord two years ago and have continuously expanded the selection. Sales have been overwhelmingly positive and we are continuing to encourage consumers to make the switch to the Ripcord, the best one-pass cleaning tool in the market today. This high-value promotion is another way to do that,” states Len Nelson, VP of Sales & Marketing for Otis Technology.
Customers who purchase between the qualifying dates and mail in the required information by January 15, 2014 are eligible for the rebate. The rebate forms can be found at stores that carry Otis products or online at www.otistec.com.
For more information on the Ripcord, please visit otistec.com/ripcord.
Otis Technology is known for manufacturing the most advanced gun cleaning systems available. The superior Breech-to-Muzzle® design combined with unmatched quality has positioned Otis as the gun care system of choice with the US Military. Otis Technology is SMART GUN CARE.