Redding Reloading Offers Free Advanced Handloading Data Sheet and Label Templates on Web Site

Cortland, NY…….Serious handloaderss always wish to capture as much data as is possible about their loading tools, settings and process to better be able to replicate those loadings which provide superior accuracy and consistency on the range. Many individuals produce their own forms or use those offered throughout the internet, some at no cost and some bound into books for a fee.
Redding offers a number of unique tools for the advanced handloader and the company determined that an Advanced Handloaders Data Sheet, which allows the user to document their process and settings, would be a benefit to all who use them. As a result, the company is now providing a free, printable PDF download of this sheet on their website as a service to their customers. It covers basic and advanced loading data and tools, plus case prep, range conditions and a number of features from popular ballistic computer programs. Finally, it allows for the recording of important information on the actual strings shot at the range. This tool allows the user to capture a large amount of information for use at later dates. It also lets the user accurately track load development against a backdrop of actual environmental conditions on the day of use.
The company has also developed a template for download to produce labels for loads with important data allowing the physical container of ammunition to be tracked back to the data sheet. This sheet uses a standard 30 up label sheet similar to the Avery 5260.
Both are available at:
Redding Reloading Equipment has focused on building the finest quality, American Made products for the precision handloading market since 1946. To learn more about our ongoing commitment to the precision handloader and to request a copy of the new 2015 Redding catalog visit: