Cartridge Comparison Guide Completes Poster Series for Wildcat and Proprietary Cartridges
Morgan, Utah – –Cartridge Comparison Guide, the ultimate hunting & ballistics source built to help shooters maximize their benefits from cartridge capabilities and ballistic understanding, has just completed their series of Wildcat and Proprietary Cartridge Posters. Consisting of four posters, this series displays more than 850 unique rifle cartridges covering almost everything from .08 caliber rat-pistol cartridges built from necked down 22 LRs, 22 Mags, and 25 Autos up to extreme Long Range and monstrous Dangerous Game cartridges based on the 378 Weatherby, 416 Rigby, and 585 Wells.
The poster series is an excellent visual tool for hunters and shooters trying to maximize ballistic potential by asking, “What if I did this?” or, “Could I do that?” The cartridges are necked down, necked up, blown out, shoulders improved, and any other manipulation convention allows. The Big Bore Wildcat Poster also includes the 1-inch diameter 4 bore and 30mm fired from the A-10 Warthog.
“One might be looking for a modified or improved AR cartridge, a better suited Thompson Contender pistol cartridge, or a more efficient and affordable Big Game or Dangerous Game cartridge – and this Wildcat and Proprietary poster series has all that,” commented Andrew Chamberlain, author of Cartridge Comparison Guide.
The posters display the cartridges from smallest to largest caliber, and by relatively smallest cartridge type and smallest case capacity and to the largest. Standard cartridges are placed intermittently to provide a reference to size, shoulder height and angle, neck length, and overall case dimensions. “These posters are an excellent visual tool for any firearm enthusiast or gunsmith…especially for anyone who is looking to overcome a perceived deficiency or an unanswered requirement in ballistic performance,” concluded Chamberlain.
Each poster in the series retails for $15.95. Learn more and to purchase at http://CartridgeComparisonGuide.Com
The Cartridge Comparison Guide Ballistics Manual and accompanying posters help answer questions on everything from newly developed cartridges, to standard American, Metric or European models, as well as bullet selection and performance. Chamberlain’s focus is on helping hunters and shooters gain maximum benefit from a personalized cartridge selection.
The Guide can be purchased as a spiral bound book at or at Amazon and other booksellers. Enthusiasts can also buy an online membership and view the entire book online. Also available for purchase are 10 unique cartridge posters featuring 100 percent scale – life size images of American, Metric, European, Black Powder, Big Bore, Long Range Cartridges and much more. The posters are great to hang up for display or educational purposes. They range in price from $12.95 to $15.95.
About Cartridge Comparison Guide:
Published by Chamberlain Development, LLC, the Cartridge Comparison Guide is the ultimate hunting and ballistics source, built to helps shooters maximize cartridge capabilities, improve ballistic understanding and make a best fit personalized choice. The Guide contains discussions including photos and detailed narrative on bullet behavior, composition, structure, deformation, wound channel and much more. The Guide was awarded the Pinnacle Award for Excellence in Industry by the Professional Outdoor Media Association in 2012. Learn more about the Guide, posters and more at