Featured Managed Waterfowl Hunt Area: Allegan State Game Area’s Fennville Farm Unit

The Fennville Farm Unit at Allegan State Game Area is a 4,100-acre paradise for Canada goose hunting. Purchased by the Department of Natural Resources from the A.M. Todd Company of Kalamazoo in 1949, the property was originally used to grow peppermint, but has since turned into a waterfowl hunter’s dream come true.Canada geese, plentiful at the Fennville Farm Unit, are the most-harvested species. There may also be opportunities for snow, Ross’s and cackling geese. During the regular waterfowl season, hunters commonly take mallards, black ducks and other dabblers.
“The Fennville Farm Unit is a unique area that offers a variety of hunting opportunities,” said DNR wildlife technician Mike Richardson. “In particular, waterfowl hunting can be fantastic, with work being done every year to promote goose and duck hunting opportunities. Waterfowl numbers can peak at over 12,000 geese and 8,000 ducks, and the easy to access hunting areas makes this a great place to hunt.”
Those who want to hunt the Fennville Farm Unit of the Allegan State Game Area must enter the managed hunt drawing. Managed draws for goose hunting will continue until Jan. 30, 2016. The unit will be closed Christmas Day. Drawings occur at 5:30 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and at 11 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. If hunters miss a draw, they are allowed to take a leftover spot, if available.
There are 119 hunting zones in the agricultural fields available through the drawing, as well as some fields available on a first-come, first-served basis. You can park and drop off your gear near the zones, but all hunting access to the fields is by foot. Although it is primarily field hunting, some areas of shallow-water wetlands have been developed to provide roosting for waterfowl as well as serve as hunting zones.
A youth hunt will be held at Fennville Farm Saturday, Dec. 26 at 11 a.m. Only parties with youth will be eligible to enter the drawing that afternoon, and only youth may hunt.
Not only does the Fennville Farm Unit have waterfowl migrating through the area, but it also houses many other wildlife species including upland sandpipers, golden eagles, dickcissels, white-tailed deer, ring-necked pheasants and wild turkey.
To learn more about Fennville Farm, visit mi.gov/wetlandwonders or contact the Allegan State Game Area Office at 269-561-2258.