Radians New DigiTrax Earmuff

MEMPHIS, TN—Radians®, a leading maker of high performance hearing protection devices (HPD’s) for shooters and hunters, has added DigiTrax™ to its arsenal of HPD’s. Tested in the Radians hearing protection laboratory accredited by the National Voluntary Accreditation Program (NVLAP Lab 50090-0), you can trust that DigiTrax’s NRR 25 rating is certifiably accurate.In addition to high safety ratings, the DigiTrax passive earmuff folds to a super compact size for easy portability and storage. Its deluxe cushioned headband provides a comfortable fit for extended wear and it has a Name ID plate. DigiTrax (#DT0DCCS) has a sleek style, sports a modern digitized camo design on the earphones, and has an MSRP of $36.99.
Radians manufactures a variety of hearing protection to satisfy the vast needs of the sports performance markets including disposable foam ear plugs, electronic earmuffs, custom molded earplugs, and digital earmuffs that can be used with music players and smart phones.
For information on Radians comprehensive line of quality safety gear, visit www.Radians.com or call toll free 1-877-723-4267.