Aguila Ammunition’s New Packaging for Rimfire Ammunition

CONROE, TEXAS — TxAT/Aguila Ammunition is pleased to formally launch new packaging for its extensive rimfire product line. As the largest rimfire manufacturer in Latin American since 1961, the company is excited for a fresh new look that simulates the quality and performance of their rimfire products as they continue to gain market share in the U.S. market.”Our introduction of the newly packaged Aguila rimfire product line comes at a perfect time as the demand for rimfire continues to grow. We are one of few companies that were able to keep up with the increasing demand for .22 caliber rounds this past year,” says Rodney Taylor, Director of Manufacturing for Aguila Ammunition. “We increased production by 30% without risking the quality of our product. Our machinery is state of the art, and our procedures are almost completely automated and top of the line. We use clean combustible powders, maximum output at controlled pressures, and a strict quality assurance program.”
Aguila manufactures over 20 various rimfire products including standard, match and specialty rounds, and has new products in development. The current line is all encompassing from copper-plated and nickel cased, to solid and lead point, subsonic and sniper subsonic, high and hyper velocity and even powderless rounds. Every round is manufactured and tested to ensure optimal reliability, accuracy, and performance, and uses world-famous ELEY Prime technology -the same used by Olympic shooting teams.
Like all Aguila ammunition, the rimfire line features bold, new packaging designed to command attention at retail. “The modern, sleek designs reflect Aguila’s dedication to modernizing the brand while delivering quality products across market segments,” says Kristi Drawe, Director of Marketing. “It’s important that the U.S. market recognizes the Aguila brand, and knows that Aguila rimfire is available when other brands are not. Our team is working hard to elevate the awareness of our brand and to get it on the shelves.”
Taylor says that Aguila has invested millions in their rimfire production. They plan on increasing production by another 30% in 2016, which will be an enormous benefit to the U.S. market.