Michigan Coyote Management and the Usual Suspects
This from Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC)
On Thursday, the Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association gave a presentation on trapping to legislators and policy-makers at the Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus breakfast at the Michigan Historical Center in Lansing. This presentation dispelled common myths about modern trapping practices perpetuated by anti-hunting groups like the Humane Society of the United States. Later that day, the Natural Resources Commission met in Holland and considered a proposed wildlife conservation order to expand coyote hunting opportunities year-round and allowing the use of #3 and #4 buckshot at night for coyotes, both MUCC resolutions. HSUS predictably testified against the expansion, while Michigan United Conservation Clubs and the Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association testified in favor. The NRC will decide next month under their Proposal G authority to determine method and manner of take.