Silent, Invisible and Scentless in a Gamekeeper Deluxe Blind

Enclosed hunting blinds have always done a great job of masking you, your movement and your sound from deer. But, the knock on them has been that it is difficult to keep deer from smelling you, especially when the blind is installed on the ground.Advantage Hunting’s Gamekeeper Deluxe line of rigid hunting blinds solves the problem. The Deluxe Blind uses a patented scent-proof design, which allows you the flexibility to hunt in comfort on the ground or from an elevated position without the worry of being smelled, seen or heard.
Advantage’s solution to scent control in the Deluxe Blind works like this – intake ports near the floor of the blind pull air in, as air warms in the airtight Deluxe Blind, that air – and your scent – is drafted out through the top of the blind through an exhaust pipe that ends over 30 feet above the blind. Even when the Deluxe Blind is on the ground, you leave no more scent at “deer level” than if you were in a tree stand.
And if the habitat you hunt allows you to see better from an elevated position, you can elevate the Deluxe blind with Advantage’s SCENTite’s 10-foot Quadpod Kit. The Deluxe Blind comes available with a locking full-sized walk-in door for use on the ground or a trap-door-through-the-floor when used elevated.
Although the scent-control features of the Deluxe Blind are revolutionary, the rest of the blind is constructed with the same attention to engineering detail to meet the practical needs of hunters in the field. The Deluxe Blind has a heavy-duty Polyethylene olive-drab shell. It’s tinted polycarbonate windows flip up out of your way for a shot. They close against a gasket to keep them scent tight when they’re not open. In addition to the shooting windows on all sides of the blind, there are corner inset windows that allow for easy 360-degree viewing without the hunter having to lean forward or backward to see around a corner post.
The bolt-through design with interlocking corners and carpeted 3/4-inch pressure-treated floor mean the blind is waterproof, bug-resistant, safe, quiet and nearly maintenance free.
The interior is black, making it very difficult for deer to tell you are in the Deluxe Blind, even if the deer look right at the blind when the windows are open. Coupled with the 6-foot, 1-inch headroom inside the blind, the flip-up windows make the Deluxe Blind a great choice for bow hunters as well as gun hunters.
In the end, this blind gives you a better chance to bag a trophy. You hunt in comfort, out of the wind and wet. The deer can’t see you and can’t hear you and can’t smell you.
This year, let the Advantage Hunting Deluxe Blind help make sure that all your hard work hunting finally pays off. Because serious hunters take every Advantage they can get.
Mossy Oak Gamekeeper Deluxe Features
* Through-Bolt Design w/ Interlocking Corners
* Lightweight and Virtually Maintenance-Free
* Weather and Bug Resistant
* Ground or Elevated
* Polycarbonate Folding Gasketed Windows
* Mossy Oak Bottomland Camouflage window covering
* Corner Viewing Windows for 360 View
* Optional Gasketed Full-Size Door w/
* Keyed Locking Door Handle
* Heavy-Duty Polyethylene Shell
* Olive Drab Exterior/ Black Interior Carpeted
* Rot Proof Floor
* Elastic window pulls
* Scenttight Technology
Mossy Oak Gamekeeper 2-Man Full Door Deluxe Specs
SIZE: 22 Sq. Ft.; 54″W x 60″D x 78″H
WEIGHT: 185 Lbs.
DOOR SIZE: Full Door 35″W x 55″H
No matter where you are hunting, any trip can be improved with the Mossy Oak Gamekeeper Deluxe Blind from Advantage Hunting. For more information, visit