A Monster Blind in the Woods

PLANO, IL– This beast is no myth. Standing 7′ tall and leaving a 6′ by 6′ footprint, the new-for-2016 Ameristep Sanctuary Blind is confirmed to exist. The largest five-hub ground blind on the market, this monster will change the way families and friends hunt together, and must be seen and experienced to be fully appreciated.This is no Frankenstein blind, cobbled together from spare bits and pieces. Rather, the mad scientists at Ameristep created this new behemoth from the ground up, utilizing notoriously strong offset cable hubs to support the Sanctuary’s extra-large walls – a system that allows for the largest and tallest windows possible, constructed of shoot-through mesh and easily configured for sitting or standing bow shots.
The Sanctuary’s high-tech skin is made from Ameristep’s proprietary Durashell Plus Fabric in the versatile Realtree Xtra camouflage pattern. This extremely durable, dull, woven-polyester fabric is lightweight, soft-to-the-touch, and stealthy quiet. It also boasts the industry’s highest print quality. Inside, a black Shadow Guard coating devours silhouettes.
Whether set up in the woods, on the edge of a food plot, or in the middle of a corn field, a ground blind this immense takes up a lot of real estate. But, like Bigfoot, the monstrous Sanctuary can disappear at will. The Ameristep design team added patented Edge ReLeaf material at the corners and along the window frames to help hide the Sanctuary’s outline. In addition, two rows of sewn-in brush loops circle the blind’s perimeter – one row at the roof line and another below the windows – allowing hunters to maximize concealment by “brushing-out” the Sanctuary with natural vegetation to fit its surroundings. Backpack carrying case, stakes and tie down straps are included for easy transport, and for keeping this giant anchored in the field.
Ameristep Sanctuary Blind Features
- The largest five-hub blind on the market
- Offset hub design allows windows to be configured for sitting or standing bow shots
- Shoot-through mesh windows
- Sewn-in brush loops and patented Edge ReLeaf help break up hard edges of blind for optimal concealment
- Includes carrying case, stakes, and tie-down rope
- Realtree Xtra Camouflage Pattern
Ameristep Sanctuary Blind Specifications
- Model#: 1RX4H099FR (Canadian Compliant)
- UPC: 76952491485-8
- Footprint: 72″ X 72″
- Height: 84″
- Shooting width: 90″
- Weight: 18 lbs.
- MSRP: $249.99
Ameristep’s new Sanctuary is the perfect hunting hideout for anyone who doesn’t care to rub elbows – a great fit for large-statured hunters, bow hunters, multiple occupants, or film crews with bulky equipment. The Sanctuary’s supernatural dimensions are also ideal for taking youngsters into the field to experience the hunt. Moms and dads take note: This blind will revolutionize your parental multi-tasking skills by facilitating simultaneous scouting, hunting, babysitting, homework assistance duties and more. Thanks, Sanctuary.
The new Ameristep Sanctuary Blind is great example of how something bigger can be better… for all of you. So don’t be afraid of monsters. Climb into the belly of the beast this season and convert your nightmares into dreams.
A leading brand of tree stands, ground blinds and accessories, Ameristep has been helping hunters find more success by equipping them with an element of surprise. By creating products that cleverly conceal positions from up above and on the ground, hunters are able to get closer to the action and enjoy more thrilling experiences. Known for its innovative and highly-mobile designs, Ameristep products give hunters the flexibility to choose the right location for their hunt with simplified assemblies to help them quickly set up and capitalize on the moment. With dozens of patented features and exclusive relationships with leading industry supply partners, Ameristep extends confidence to hunters and enables them to make hunts happen. Learn more at www.ameristep.com.