Concealed Carry Part of the Conversation in After Mall Attack

Tim Schmidt, President & Founder of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, Available for CommentaryU.S. Concealed Carry Association Discusses New Headquarters in West Bend, WI U.S. Concealed Carry Assoc. President, Tim Schmidt, on Defending the 2nd Amendment The Story of The USCCA in 60 Seconds
The media has noted over the last 24 hours that the St. Cloud, Minnesota mall in which the September 17 mass stabbing occurred is a “gun free zone” that expressly forbids “firearms or illegal weapons.” Fortunately, the attack was stopped by an off-duty police officer, Jason Falcone, who carried his gun with him, the “gun free” policy notwithstanding.
Of note, Officer Falcone is also a certified firearms instructor with the U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA).
Tim Schmidt, President and Founder of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, today made the following statement regarding Saturday’s terrorist attack in Minnesota:
“The thoughts and prayers of my family and the members of the USCCA across the country are with the victims of this terrible attack. By all accounts Officer Jason Falcone is a hero and even though he was off-duty, he put himself in harms’ way to protect and defend others.
“As the investigation of the circumstances surrounding this attack unfolds in the days ahead and we discuss ways to try and prevent future attacks, it’s my hope the critical role of concealed carry rights can play in incidents like this will be part of that conversation.
“Gun free zones’ are essentially advertisements to evil-doers of soft targets where citizens will not have the ability to fight back. We don’t know if an ordinary citizen with a concealed carry permit could have stopped this attack earlier because firearms and other weapons were expressly banned by mall policy. But we do know the loss of life was prevented because an armed, law-abiding citizen ignored that policy and stepped forward to defend those who could not defend themselves.
“This should not be ignored in the aftermath of this attack as we look at ways to keep America safe in the face of rising threats.”
The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) is the first and largest, member-owned association designed to educate, train, and insure responsibly armed Americans. USCCA members receive access to a wealth of industry information and insurance protection through its Self-Defense SHIELD program. The USCCA also provides expert advice, product information, and the latest news centered around the concealed carry lifestyle via email, social media, Concealed Carry Magazine, and their nationally syndicated radio program Armed American Radio.
To arrange an interview with Tim Schmidt, President & Founder of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, please email or call 224-723-8688.
Also of note, Tim Schmidt penned an op-ed for Monday’s Richmond Times-Dispatch questioning VA Governor Terry McAuliffe’s recent decision to make state government office buildings “gun free zones” and raising the same concerns about making them soft targets for terrorists. Please see below .
Schmidt column: Standing up for Virginians’ right to self-defense
Study after study has shown that concealed carry permit-holders are among the most law-abiding citizens in our society.
Posted: Sunday, September 18, 2016 10:30 pm
By Tim Schmidt
Earlier this year, Gov. Terry McAuliffe admirably defended the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and others by signing legislation that restored Virginia’s concealed carry reciprocity with 25 states. This allowed millions of law-abiding gun owners to travel safely in and out of the commonwealth while ensuring the rights of Virginians are recognized in states that have concealed carry reciprocity agreements.
In doing so, McAuliffe reversed the executive actions of Attorney General Mark Herring that would have severely curtailed Virginians’ Second Amendment rights while also withstanding pressure from the anti-Second Amendment lobby, which is funded in large part by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The governor’s actions were commendable and rightly applauded by those who care deeply about protecting the Second Amendment.
That’s why it’s been disappointing in recent months to see McAuliffe take steps backward by issuing an executive order immediately banning openly carried firearms in state office buildings and seeking to extend that ban to concealed firearms as well. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that thousands of Virginians and Second Amendment supporters across the country have voiced their opposition to this edict and are seeking the restoration of their Second Amendment rights. Law-abiding Virginians have the right to self-defense — particularly in high-profile buildings that could well be targets for terrorists.
Study after study has shown that concealed carry permit-holders are among the most law-abiding citizens in our society. They have filed the proper paperwork, completed the required coursework and sought out the training necessary for effective self-defense. Criminals don’t do any of that. That’s why it’s not a coincidence that cities like Chicago which have some of the most restrictive gun rights laws in the country also have some of the highest crime rates — because the only armed individuals are the criminals.
And that is what is especially troubling with McAuliffe’s effort to strip law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves in state office buildings. In doing so, he’s advertising to evil-doers that these buildings are soft targets where citizens will not have the ability to fight back. Frankly, that’s why many of us in the Second Amendment community encourage concealed carry rather than open carry: It offers a tactical advantage and gives gun owners peace of mind to know they can effectively defend themselves if necessary.
Lastly, the governor’s executive order should particularly alarm women and minorities. A recent study by the Crime Prevention Research Center found that over the past four years the number of women with concealed carry permits has increased twice as quickly as the number of men with permits, while permit-holding is increasing about 75 percent more quickly among minorities than among whites. McAuliffe is essentially forcing these Americans to check their Second Amendment rights at the door when entering state office buildings, while ensuring the only ones armed are the criminals.
The Virginia Department of General Services is currently receiving public comments until October 2 on extending the governor’s anti-Second Amendment executive order to include concealed carry firearms as well. For Virginians who believe deeply in the Second Amendment and the right to self-defense, now is the time to make your voices heard. We hope the governor will reconsider his effort to limit concealed carry rights.
Tim Schmidt is the president and founder of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, and may be contacted at
Posted in THEIR OPINION, View-oped-sig on Sunday, September 18, 2016 10:30 pm.