Defense Technology 40mm Blunt Impact Projectile Collapsible Gel Rounds

The newest addition to Defense Technology’s “point-of-aim, point-of-impact” less lethal solutionsONTARIO, California – Defense Technology®, a brand of The Safariland Group, today announced the release of its 40mm Blunt Impact Projectile (BIP) Collapsible Gel Rounds. Incorporating patented technologies, the BIP round is highly effective in law enforcement situations that require greater accuracy and delivered energy. This BIP round provides additional less lethal force options for law enforcement and military operators. The 40mm BIP Collapsible Gel Round will be on display at the 2017 International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference (IACP), in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 21-24, booth #1515.
The newest addition to existing “point-of-aim, point-of-impact” Defense Technology less lethal solutions, the 40mm BIP Collapsible Gel Rounds’ collapsible gel nose technology enables the projectile to engage the target with higher kinetic energy across the operational range, while remaining less lethal at the minimum engagement range.
“The round combines the proven Defense Technology smokeless powder propulsion system with the patented collapsible gel projectile designed and developed by Security Devices International, Inc. (SDI),” said John Kapeles, category director of Defense Technology. “The result is a less lethal impact munition that delivers maximum energy with extremely consistent velocities.”
The projectile incorporates a rifling collar which engages the barrel rifling in the 40mm launcher for spin stabilization. The 40mm BIP projectiles have payload options of OC, CS, Inert Powder, Marking Liquid or Marking Powder. The colored marking liquid or powder identifies targets for apprehension with a temporary mark and remains on skin and clothing up to 24 hours.
“Because many law enforcement scenarios are requiring impact munitions with greater delivered energy at close range, we are confident that more agencies will adopt the 40mm BIP round,” said Kapeles.
Available for order now, the 40mm BIP Collapsible Gel Rounds retail for $30.50 to $31.50. The Defense Technology 40mm BIP Collapsible Gel Rounds will be on display at The Safariland Group IACP booth, #1515, October 22 through 24. For more information, please visit
About Defense Technology
Defense Technology® has a long history of providing less lethal solutions for the law enforcement market to protect life and restore the peace. With a complete line of duty aerosols, less lethal impact munitions, crowd management products and tactical deployment devices, Defense Technology products are designed to provide proven, less lethal tools to maximize safety and minimize injury. Defense Technology is a part of The Safariland Group family of brands. For more information, visit
About The Safariland Group
The Safariland Group is a leading global provider of a broad range of safety and survivability products designed for the public safety, military, professional and outdoor markets. The Safariland Group offers a number of recognized brand names in these markets including Safariland®, Med-Eng®, Safariland® Armor, Safariland® VIEVU®, Mustang Survival®, Bianchi®, Break Free®, PROTECH® Tactical, Defense Technology®, Hatch®, Monadnock®, Identicator® and NIK®. The Safariland Group’s mission, “Together, We Save Lives™”, is inherent in the lifesaving and protective products it delivers. The Safariland Group is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. The Safariland Group is a trade name of Safariland, LLC.
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