Opening Day Success in Michigan October 2, 2017 Glen Wunderlich Michigan Archery Whitetail Took this opening-day archery whitetail 9-point buck October 1st. The Horton Vision crossbow and NAP expandable broadhead combined to drop the massive animal quickly. You May Also Like:Montana Issues 2022 Hunting ForecastsDIY - PronghornBushnell Broadhead Laser Rangefinder Now ShippingFIRE-N-The-Hole Introduces SLANG BLADE Mechanical BroadheadFIRE-N-The Hole Introduces SLANG BLADE 1x4…Mossy Oak and Fire-N-The-Hole Team Up to Provide 4…FIRE-N-The- Hole Broadheads Introduces the SLANG BLADE 1x4Fire-N-The-Hole Broadheads Introduces C4 Crossbow Broadhead Hunting