Explore the Au Sable River without leaving mid-Michigan

International fly-tier kicks off new program series at Michigan History Museum
Regardless of what Mother Nature has in mind, the Michigan History Museum in Lansing has a thaw scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 20. That day, winter will be put on hold, as the museum encourages thoughts of summertime fly-fishing in a fly-tying workshop with international professional fly-tier Jeff “Bear” Andrews.
The workshop kicks off a new series of programs revolving around the museum’s special exhibit, “The River that Changed the World.”
“The River that Changed the World” tells the stories of Michigan’s famed Au Sable River, including seasonal use of resources by Anishinaabe peoples and the river’s role in the founding of Trout Unlimited and the fight for sustainability. The exhibit, featuring a real riverboat and a recreated bait shop, also explores the river’s recreational opportunities.
“While the exhibit focuses on the wonderful stories, images and sounds of the river, we wanted to bring an additional taste of the Au Sable River to the capital region,” says Michigan History Center engagement director Tobi Voigt. “We designed a series of programs highlighting diverse themes from the exhibit – like fly-fishing and kayaking – that can be enjoyed by a variety of age groups. We’re especially excited to showcase a fly-fishing star and host our first-ever kayak tour.”
Fly-Tying and Fly-Casting Workshops with Jeff “Bear” Andrews
Jeff “Bear” Andrews has been fly-fishing and tying flies for 48 years. He creates fly patterns, and his work has been shown across the United States and in Europe. In 1998, he received the “Buz” Buszek Memorial Fly Tying Award, the highest honor bestowed upon a fly-tier by the Federation of Fly Fishers.
- Saturday, Jan. 20, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Fly-Tying Workshop
This hands-on workshop for adults and children ages 10 and up teaches the basics of fly-tying. Fee: $20, which includes all materials. Register on Eventbrite. - Saturday, June 9, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Fly-Casting Workshop
This hands-on workshop for adults and children ages 10 and up teaches the basics of fly-casting. Fee: $20, which includes all materials. Register on Eventbrite.
A River Adventure Kayak Tour – Saturday, June 23, 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.
The Michigan History Museum has partnered with local kayak rental company River Town Adventures to offer a unique kayaking experience on the Red Cedar River. Participants will paddle the river, stopping periodically to enjoy brief programs on a variety of topics, including fly-fishing, species identification, local history and conservation.
Single and double kayaks are available. The tour is open to adults and children ages 12 and older. Cost is $25 per adult and $18 per child 17 and under. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Second Saturdays for Families
The Michigan History Museum also offers families special discoveries and activities surrounding “The River that Changed the World” in its Second Saturdays for Families series. Each program features drop-in activities, included with regular admission, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Families are encouraged to stop by the museum for the following “Exploring the Au Sable: DIY Edition” hands-on programs. There is even an opportunity to take a virtual trip down the Au Sable River with an Oculus Rift headset.
- Jan. 13: Experiment with Insect Sounds
- Feb. 10: Pocket Constellations
- March 10: I Spy
- April 14: Insect-Repellent Bracelets
- June 9: Compasses and Sundials
- July 14: Canoe Marathon
- Aug. 11: DIY Bug Hotel
More information on the workshops and additional programs is available on the Michigan History Center website and Facebook page.
The Michigan History Museum, part of the Michigan History Center system, is a nationally accredited museum located in the east wing of the Michigan Library and Historical Center, on the north side of Kalamazoo Street, two blocks east of M. L. King Jr. Boulevard. The museum is open year-round. For more information, call 517-373-3559 or visit www.michigan.gov/museum.
The Michigan History Center is part of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Its museum and archival programs foster curiosity, enjoyment and inspiration rooted in Michigan’s stories. It includes the Michigan History Museum, 10 regional museums, Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve, and the Archives of Michigan. Learn more at www.michigan.gov/mhc.