African Elephant Imports on a Case-by-Case Basis Approved

As part of the permitting process, the Fish and Wildlife Service reviews each application received for import of such trophies and evaluates the information provided in the application as well as other information available to the Service as to the status of and management program for the species or population to ensure that the program is promoting the conservation of the species.

Read the entire memo here:

AIA/DMA/BOP/Animal Species Memorandum To: Assistant Director, International Affairs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servic From: Principal Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ,  Date: March 1, 2018 Subject: Withdrawal of Certain Findings for ESA-listed Species Taken as Sporthunted Trophies.

In response to the D.C. Circuit Court’s opinion in Safari Club Int’!, et al. v. Zinke, et al., No. 16-5358 (D.C. Cir., Dec. 22, 2017), the Service hereby withdraws, effective immediately, the 2014 and 2015 Endangered Species Act (ESA) enhancement findings for trophies of African elephants taken in Zimbabwe.

The findings are no longer effective for making individual permit determinations for imports of sport-hunted African elephant trophies.

Consistent with this approach, the Service hereby also withdraws, effective immediately, the following findings: ESA enhancement findings for trophies of African elephants taken in Zimbabwe signed in 1997 and 2017; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of lions taken in Zimbabwe signed in 2017; ESA enhancement findings signed in 1997, 2014, and 2015, and CITES non-detriment findings signed in 2014, 2015, and 2017 for trophies of African elephants taken in Tanzania; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of African elephants taken in South Africa signed in 1995; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of bontebok taken in South Africa signed in 1997; ESA enhancement findings for trophies of lions taken in South Africa signed in 2016 and 2017; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of African elephants taken in Botswana signed in 1997; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of African elephants taken in Namibia signed in 1995; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of African elephants taken in Zambia signed in 2012; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of lions taken in Zambia signed in 2017; and the ESA enhancement and CITES non-detriment findings for trophies of African elephants taken in Zambia signed in 2017.

All of the above referenced findings are no longer effective for making individual permit determinations for imports of those spo11-hunted ESA-listed species. However, the Service intends to use the information cited in these findings and contained in its files as appropriate, in addition to the information it receives and has available when it receives each application, to evaluate individual permit applications.

The Service is continuing to monitor the status and management of these species in their range countries. At this time, when the Service processes these permit applications, the Service intends to do so on an individual basis, including making ESA enhancement determinations, and CITES non-detriment determinations when required, for each application. The Service intends to grant or deny permits to import a sport-hunted trophy on a case-by-case basis pursuant to its authorities under the ESA and CITES. As part of the permitting process, the Service reviews each application received for import of such trophies and evaluates the information provided in the application as well as other information available to the Service as to the status of and management program for the species or population to ensure that the program is promoting the conservation of the species. Each application must also meet all other applicable permitting requirements before it may be authorized.