Lyman Reloading Kits to Start Reloading

Built around Lyman®’s new 2018 reloading presses, the Brass Smith Ideal™, Victory™ and All-American 8™, are new reloading kits that provide everything to get started on a rewarding new hobby.
Lyman Products Ideal Reloading Press Kit
Middletown, Conn. – Lyman® Products introduced three new reloading presses in 2018: the Brass Smith Ideal™ Press, a single-operation press featuring plenty of options; the Brass Smith Victory™ Press, a foundational press with a straight line primer feed; and the Brass Smith All-American 8™ Turret Press for increased efficiency of reloading quantities.
“The three reloading kits are a fantastic opportunity to get started in reloading at a significant savings,” Trevor Mullen, VP of Global Marketing and Business Development for Lyman Products, said. “By kitting our three new presses with the right accessories, a reloader can feel confident he or she has purchased quality, reliable tools to embark on an enjoyable hobby, and has saved money and time in the process.”
All of the new Lyman reloading presses are American made for long lasting performance. The Ideal Reloading Kit is available now, and retails at $249.95. The Victory Reloading Kit retails for $354.95 and the All-American 8 retails for $499.95 and both will be available in a few weeks.
Lyman Brass Reloading Press Kits Contain:
- One of three Brass Smith Presses: Ideal, Victory, All-American 8
- 50th Edition Reloading Handbook
- Brass Smith Powder Measure and Powder Measure Stand
- Pocket Touch 1500 Electronic Scale with Funnel Pan and Dipper
- Loading Block
- Case Prep Multi-Tool
- E-ZEE Prime Hand Priming Tool
- Quick Slick Case Lube
- Magnum Bullet Puller (Victory and All-American 8 Press Kit only)
- Powder Dribbler (Victory and All-American 8 Press Kit only)
- Primer Tray (Victory and All-American 8 Press Kit only)
- Universal Trimmer and Pilot Multi-Pack (All-American 8 only)
- E-ZEE Primer Tray (All-American 8 only)
Lyman Products All-American 8 Reloading Press Kit
Lyman Products Victory Reloading Press Kit
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About Lyman® Products:
Lyman Products, founded by avid outdoorsman, William Lyman, has been innovating firearms and reloading accessories and gear for 140 years. Today, using advanced technologies, Lyman is in the forefront of meeting the needs of shooters and reloaders across the world. Whether pioneering the use of digital technology in reloading tools or reintroducing “antique” calibers and bullet molds, Lyman continues to improve and innovate the tools and accessories used by serious shooters and reloaders.
Lyman products and brands, are available nationally through firearms and sporting goods dealers and mail order companies. Pachmayr, TacStar, Trius Traps, A-Zoom Precision Snap Caps, Butch’s Gun Care and Targdots are also Lyman brands.
Lyman® Products
475 Smith Street
Middletown, CT 06457
P: 860-632-2020