Michigan: a pair of spring wildlife surveys is under way

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is conducting two wildlife surveys across northern Michigan in May – the American Woodcock Singing-Ground Survey, which involves an intricate aerial dance of a migratory bird, and a bear hair snare survey, literally snagging bear hair on barbed wire.

“Wildlife surveys are one of the most enjoyable parts of our jobs,” said Dale Rabe, DNR wildlife field operations manager in Traverse City.  “Being able to hear or see the wildlife we manage or, in the case of the bear survey, being able to find evidence of their presence is a pretty good time in the woods.”

Annually, the woodcock survey is performed across much the northern United States, giving wildlife agencies an idea of breeding populations. Woodcock migrate annually to southern Gulf Coast states from eastern Texas to Florida and return to northern latitudes, including Michigan, to find a mate and breed. Michigan is a national leader for the number of young woodcock that are produced each year.

Spring, when their unique breeding behavior can be seen and heard in the evenings, is the perfect time to count male woodcock.

“Male woodcock will be in their singing grounds, or grassy openings, just after sunset ‘peenting,’ and they’ll start their spiral display flights,” said Bruce Barlow, DNR wildlife biologist in Gladwin. “While they are on the ground, they will call a ‘peent’ every four to five seconds.  You may have heard this nasal insect-like call before, but may have never realized it was a woodcock making that sound!”

The singing ground survey is performed annually along approximately 123, 3.6-mile survey routes.  Each route is surveyed just one time a year.


“This national survey technique was originally developed in Michigan and is used to monitor annual changes in woodcock populations,” DNR upland bird biologist Al Stewart said.  “It’s a key component of the National American Woodcock Management Plan – a continental management plan of this unique game bird.”

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For the bear hair snare survey, 257 baited locations will be visited six times starting the week of May 27, with the goal of finding snagged bear hair. Survey locations across the northern Lower Peninsula are baited with bacon and donuts and surrounded by barbed wire. In order to reach the bait, a bear will cross the barbed wire and snag hairs, leaving a DNA sample behind. Hair will be collected and sent to the DNR Wildlife Disease Lab in East Lansing for DNA analysis, assisting with bear population estimates in the future.

“Cops & Doughnuts and Ebel’s Market, two local businesses, have helped us with our supplies for this survey,” said Dan Moran, DNR wildlife technician in Houghton Lake. “Ebel’s in Falmouth gave us a great price on 900 pounds of bacon, and Cops & Doughnuts was a perfect partner for the large supply of donuts we needed for this project.”

Results from both surveys will be available once all data has been reviewed, and the results will help to determine harvest regulations for future hunting seasons.


To learn more about how the DNR manages Michigan’s wildlife, visit michigan.gov/wildlife.