Michigan: anglers, remember to report all caught muskellunge and lake sturgeon

With the statewide muskellunge possession season opening Saturday, June 2, anglers are reminded that a new registration system is now in place for any fish you reel in.
The muskellunge harvest tag is no longer required or available. If you do catch a muskie, you must report it within 24 hours, either:
- Online at michigan.gov/registerfish.
- By calling toll-free 844-345-FISH (3474).
- Or in person (with advance notice of your arrival) at any DNR customer service center during regular state business. Fish registrations won’t be accepted at any state fish hatcheries or DNR field offices, only at DNR customer service centers.
The same process is now in place for lake sturgeon, too, although no fishing and/or possession seasons open for that species until July 16. The lake sturgeon fishing permit and harvest tags are no longer needed or available.
Both of these changes went into effect at the start of the 2018 fishing season, April 1.
For more information on Michigan fishing licenses and regulation, check out the 2018 Michigan Fishing Guide – available at license retailers or online at michigan.gov/dnrdigests, and the online version is always up to date and available to download – or contact Cory Kovacs, 906-293-5131, ext. 4071 or Elyse Walter, 517-284-5839.