Michigan: Pike and Walleye Opener May 15 in U.P.

The Upper Peninsula’s northern pike and walleye season opener is coming soon! On Tuesday, May 15, the season opens on all U.P. waters, including the Great Lakes, inland waters and the St. Marys River.
Please note, the season opener for muskellunge in the U.P. has changed – in addition to all other waters in Michigan. On all Great Lakes and inland waters, the St. Marys River, the St. Clair River, the Detroit River and Lake St. Clair, the season doesn’t open until Saturday, June 2. But catch-and-immediate-release muskellunge fishing now is allowed on all waters all year.
Anglers can currently catch and immediately release largemouth and smallmouth bass on most waters statewide. The possession season for bass opens statewide on Saturday, May 26, except for Lake St. Clair, the St. Clair River and the Detroit River, which open on Saturday, June 16.
Please note, anglers fishing the Michigan-Wisconsin boundary waters, Big Island Lakes Complex, Sylvania Wilderness Area and Seney National Wildlife Refuge should check the 2018 Michigan Fishing Guide for specific regulations governing those areas.
Visit www.michigan.gov/dnrdigests for more information about seasons and regulations.