Steyr Training Academy Offers New Dates and New Courses

BESSEMER, Ala. (June 28, 2018) — Steyr Arms has announced the 2018 dates for Steyr Arms Training Academy at the company’s headquarters in Bessemer, Ala. Along with the popular SPR-I practical rifle course, Steyr will now offer a SPR-II extended-range rifle course this Fall. There is only one SPR-II course offered this year, and completion of SPR-I is a prerequisite to join.
Academy Director Eduardo Abril de Fontcuberta is the instructor for all of the courses. A native of Spain, Eduardo, is a world champion long-range competitor with more than 25 years of experience as a military and law enforcement sniper trainer and armorer. His name is probably most recognizable from his frequent writing in national firearm magazines and his book, 100+ Sniper Exercises. In order to provide more personal-trainer-like sessions with ample individual instruction, de Fontcuberta is limiting each of the three-day courses to a maximum of seven students. Each of the courses will provide students with a total of more than 24 hours of intensive instruction.
The SPR-I course is meant to provide students with theoretical knowledge, shooting practice and the ballistic skills needed to reach each Steyr rifle’s accuracy potential. The course covers the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship, creation of extremely accurate paper and electronic tables, as well as understanding of how different factors affect shooting. During the dynamic classroom sessions as well as range practice, de Fontcuberta will adapt to the students’ needs while covering all the components of successful long-range shooting, including equipment selection and refinement, proper zeroing techniques, zero-distance selection, scope and rifle accuracy testing, wind estimation, new hardware, and ballistics know-how and software options. A Steyr Logbook is also included with the course. Students who don’t own a Steyr rifle prior to the course can rent a Steyr Pro THB rifle, and other rifle models will be available on request. By the end of the course, students will be able to operate on their own with supreme confidence when shooting targets or hunting.
The SPR-II course focuses on extending the capabilities of graduates of the SPR-I (up to 600 yards) so that they can comfortably and accurately engage targets out to 1200 yards. Students will learn advanced practical skills, ballistics and wind reading so they can exploit the Steyr accuracy potential to its maximum. Whether it is a .308 Win. or a .338 Lapua Magnum, each student will learn how to reach and recognize the limits of the rifle and caliber. With very limited students per class, de Fontcuberta will insure extraordinary results for all participants. In this course participants will use the latest equipment available to long range shooters, including what is used in de Fontcuberta’s King of 2 Miles competition.
The current dates for the Steyr Arms Training academy are as follows:
- SPR-I: July 12-14
- SPR-I: Aug. 26-28
- SPR-II: Sept. 20-22
- SPR-I: Oct. 25-27
- SPR-I: Nov. 15-17
- SPR-I Dec. 13-15
Tuition for each course is $975. Classes fill up fast, so be sure to sign up as soon as possible.
For more information on the Steyr Arms Training Academy and the courses offered, visit
Established in 1864, Steyr Mannlicher, GmbH, is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious firearms manufacturers. Steyr’s comprehensive lines of premium hunting rifles and precision sporting and tactical firearms are technically mature, and their subtle elegance also communicates the harmony between appearance and substance. Steyr’s legendary SBS actions and cold-hammer-forged barrels are distinctive and unparalleled. Steyr Arms is the subsidiary headquarters of Steyr Mannlicher in the U.S., and it is also the exclusive importer for Merkel firearms, JAGDHUND and X JAGD apparel. For more information, contact Steyr Arms at 2530 Morgan Rd., Bessemer, AL 35022; call (205) 417-8644; or visit