SCI Members on This Morning’s “Today Show “ on NBC

Between 7:40 and 8:00 a.m. this morning, (Safari Club International) SCI members Tess and Andrew Talley will appear on NBC’s “Today Show” along with SCI President Paul Babaz. The Talleys will recount the savage social media attacks they suffered after social media trolls dredged-up a photo when she took an old giraffe on a legal hunt in South Africa.

The appearance is part of SCI’s new communications effort to engage the media in order to get the facts about the good things hunters and hunting do around the world –and countering the lies of anti-hunters with the best science-based research possible. SCI recognizes the danger of direct engagement – misinterpretation- but says it is an “acceptable risk” in order to counter the so-called “facts” used by anti-hunting groups.