Michigan: waterfowl reserved hunt applications now available

Reserved waterfowl hunt applications are available now through Tuesday, Aug. 28.
To apply for reserved hunts on certain managed waterfowl areas, visit a license agent or michigan.gov/waterfowl. Applications are $5, and hunters may only apply once. Drawing results will be posted Sept. 17.
Reserved hunts will be held both mornings and afternoons of the opening weekend (Oct. 13 and 14) of waterfowl hunting season at Fish Point State Wildlife Area, Harsens Island and Shiawassee River State Game Area.
The maximum party size is four hunters. For morning hunts and the second-day hunts, successful applicants must have appropriate licenses and stamps and be accompanied by one to three other appropriately licensed hunters. Youth have a special opportunity because the opening-day afternoon hunts are for those 16 and younger. Successful applicants for the opening-day afternoon hunts can have up to two adults who are 18 years of age or older with appropriate licenses.
For more information about waterfowl hunting, visit www.michigan.gov/waterfowl.