USCCA: Time For An Honest Debate About “Gun-Free” Zones

America’s Malls & Schools Remain Soft Targets Where Law-Abiding Americans Should Be Allowed to Protect Themselves & Others
West Bend, WI – The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), which is the country’s largest and fastest growing association whose sole focus is the responsibly armed American, said today that in the wake of this latest attack in a so-called “gun-free zone” in Jacksonville, all Americans should have the right to defend themselves whether at home, at school or at mall:
“This was sadly another attack by a clearly deranged individual and we pray for the victims and their families. As we learn more about the individual who perpetrated this attack and the details surrounding it, our nation is once again having a conversation about gun violence and how we can stop future attacks, particularly as our schools re-open around the country for a new year. It’s my hope the critical role of concealed carry rights can play in incidents like this and the abject failure of so-called ‘gun-free zones’ will be part of that conversation.
“Like many other scenes of gun violence in the past, Jackson Landing was a ‘gun-free zone,’ which did nothing to stop an evildoer bent on violence, but which prevented law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves and others. We don’t know if an ordinary citizen with a concealed carry permit could have stopped this attack, but we do know that once again this feel-good policy did nothing to protect innocent lives.
“Too many lives have been lost because murderous maniacs know that malls and schools are soft targets where those inside don’t have the ability to protect themselves. In an emergency situation, seconds matter and a well-trained, responsible gun owner can save lives in an active-shooter situation.
“It’s time that we as a country have an honest conversation about feel-good policies from anti-Second Amendment advocates that do nothing to protect innocent lives versus sensible, self-defense measures like concealed carry that on countless occasions have stopped the bad guys and prevented the loss of life. Whether it’s our teachers or school administrators who are watching our kids every day or the family shopping at their local mall, every law-abiding American should have the right to protect themselves and others at all times.”
The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), a Wisconsin-based organization with over 250,000 members, provides education, training and self-defense insurance to responsible American gun owners. USCCA was recently featured on CBS News’60 Minutes recently on a segment about the effort in Congress to pass reciprocity for concealed carry licenses.