NMMA Members Urge Action on Florida’s Toxic Algae Blooms

Late last month, NMMA – in conjunction with the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA) – asked Florida members to add their company’s name to a letter requesting assistance with toxic algae blooms in the state’s waters. Nearly 200 businesses signed the letter, which was sent to several federal and state officials on September 12 – including President Donald Trump, Governor Rick Scott, and Florida’s Congressional Delegation.
According to the letter, “The recreational boating industry in Florida supports over 5,500 businesses that employ over 55,000 people and have a $10.3 billion annual economic impact. There are over 1,000,000 registered boats in the state, many of which are used for fishing. However, the recent algae blooms in Florida have caused the environment and economy to suffer significantly. Large numbers of dead fish, sea turtles, manatees, and dolphins are washing ashore.
“Additionally, the algae blooms have caused the air quality to suffer. Floridians, as well as tourists that the economy depends on, are being prohibited from accessing the beach and water. Local businesses are suffering cancellations and declines in revenue because of these historic algae blooms.
“We believe that additional state and federal assistance is necessary to ensure support for Florida’s residents and economy during this unprecedented algae bloom. We urge you to use all available state and federal resources to help the local businesses, people, and environment that are being negatively impacted.”
The full letter is available here: http://nmma.net/assets/cabinets/Cabinet521/180912_FL%20Algae%20Blooms%20Letter.pdf